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Web Development Glossary Close Window

"Defining Aspects Central to Successful Website Design"

By: Sandy Jane Wong, Web Developer of Oikoumene Online Marketing & Design | Published: March 2011

In order to understand and appreciate the importance of essential elements to web development, particularly for small business, I've provided this small glossary of terms.

click through rate (CTR) - Clickthrough rate is the number of clicks your ad or web page keyword receives divided by the number of times your ad or web page keyword is shown (impressions).  The more contextually relevant keywords and ads are to a business, the more likely a user is to click on the ad or keyword link after it was searched for.

ClickBank - Huge affiliate product network where businesses can generate significant revenue by linking to a relevant product there.

favicon - Small graphic associated with any Web site's page. The favicon allows the Web developer to customize the site in the Web browser with a business or company logo; so that it is especially recognizable once bookmarked.

monetize website - Methods used to make money online from a website after its creation of quality content.  Start making mone by adding affiliate ads, text links and/or products for sale, such as, becoming an Amazon affiliate or an affiliate of Google AdSense or ClickBank.

online marketing - Driving leads and sales on a website.  Persistent content is what shows up in Google's search results. Blog posts, white papers and videos posted on a website is what Google indexes, not use of social media alone, that will turn visitors of a website to customers of a small business for years. 

page rank (PR) - Google's measurement of how important a page is and affects search rankings. This is an index that values Web pages based largely on link popularity of legitimate content.
The more visitors to a website increases its search engine page rank.

RSS feed - RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. An RSS feed is a document that contains either a summary of content from a web site or the full text of a website. RSS feeds makes it possible for people to keep up with their favorite web sites automatically rather than checking them manually.

social media badges - Small images, usually square-shaped, added to web pages with information-rich, quality content for the purpose of receiving social media votes or enabling others to share page content, thus potentially enlarging a website's community of users.

social media optimization (SMO) - SMO differs from search engine optimization (SEO) in that SMO seeks to generate company success by stimulating a social buzz about a website through a variety of social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, or Digg to name a few.

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